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High-Speed Scanning:With a scanning speed of 300/second, this barcode scanner ensures efficient and rapid scanning, enhancing the productivity of your workflow.
Bluetooth Connectivity:The scanner features Bluetooth connectivity, allowing for seamless data transfer between the scanner and your device for convenience and convenience.
Wired and Wireless Options:This versatile scanner offers both wired and wireless options, catering to different user needs and ensuring compatibility with various devices and systems.
Compact Design:With its compact size of 160x85x65, this barcode scanner is easy to carry around, making it ideal for on-the-go use in various settings.
USB Interface:Equipped with a USB interface, this scanner ensures easy and reliable data transfer, enhancing the overall user experience.
Supports QR Codes:The scanner supports both 1D and 2D codes, making it perfect for businesses that require QR code scanning for their operations.