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High-Quality Virtual Reality Experience:Experience the best in virtual reality with VRSHINECON VR Glasses. Its high-resolution display and advanced processing technology offer an immersive 3D virtual reality experience.
Versatile Compatibility:These glasses are designed to be compatible with both Android and iOS devices, making them a versatile choice for a wide range of users.
Ergonomic Design:With its adjustable headband and comfortable earphones, these glasses ensure a snug and comfortable fit for an extended usage period.
Large Screen Size:The large screen size of 4-6 inches provides a wide viewing angle, enhancing your virtual reality experience.
Powerful Processor:Equipped with a powerful processor, these glasses ensure smooth and efficient operation, enhancing your virtual reality gaming or video watching experience.
Lightweight:Despite their bulky appearance, these glasses weigh only 610G, making them lightweight and easy to carry around.