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Universal Compatibility:This new Type-C external DVD recorder is a universal tool, compatible with computers, laptops, and desktop computers, making it a versatile choice for all your recording needs.
High-Speed Recording:With a maximum DVD recording speed of 8X and CD reading speed of 24X, this device ensures quick and efficient data transfer, saving you time and enhancing your productivity.
Wide Range of Disc Formats:The device supports a broad range of disc formats including CD, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD+R, DVD-ROM, DVD-R, and DVD+R, catering to various storage needs and preferences.
Fast Delivery:With a fastest delivery time of 1-3 days, this product guarantees a quick turnaround, ensuring you receive your order in no time.
Robust Packaging:The product comes in a sturdy paper box, kit, user guide, optical disc, and transparent bag, ensuring safe and secure delivery of your purchase.
Supports Multiple Disc Standards:This device supports DVD-RW, DVD-R, DVD+R, DVD-RAM, CDA, CD-R, and other disc standards, providing flexibility and compatibility with different storage devices.