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259-Needle Design:The product features a unique 259-needle design, specifically designed for pet grooming and hair removal. This design ensures efficient and effective hair management.
Pet-Friendly Material:Made from non-toxic materials, this glove is safe for both cats and dogs. It doesn't cause any discomfort or irritation, making it ideal for pet grooming.
Hair Removal & Cleaning:This glove is not just a grooming tool but also a cleaning device. It effectively removes floating hair, maintaining your pet's hygiene and appearance.
Massage Function:While grooming, the glove provides a soothing massage to your pet, enhancing the overall grooming experience and promoting blood circulation.
Easy to Use:The glove is easy to wear and remove, making pet grooming a hassle-free process. It's user-friendly design makes it suitable for both professionals and pet owners.
Durable and Long-lasting:This grooming glove is durable and long-lasting, providing consistent performance for a considerable amount of time. It's a cost-effective solution for pet grooming.