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Versatile Material Usage:This grinder is perfect for grinding food additives, grains, ceramics, chemicals, and glass pulp. It's a versatile tool for various needs.
High Motor Power:With a power of 1600w, this grinder ensures efficient and rapid grinding, saving you time and effort in your cooking or baking process.
Food Grade Safety:The material of this grinder is food grade, ensuring safety and hygiene in your kitchen. It's perfect for grinding spices, herbs, and other food ingredients.
Grain Mill Functionality:This grinder also functions as a grain mill, allowing you to grind grains like wheat, oats, and barley for baking or cooking.
Ceramic & Glass Pulverizer:It's not just a grinder - it's also a ceramic and glass pulverizer, making it a multi-purpose tool in your kitchen or workshop.
Compact & Portable:Its compact design makes it easy to store and portable, perfect for travel or use in different areas of your home.