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Professional Quality:This set of screwdrivers is of professional quality, ensuring durable and efficient performance for all your repair needs.
Manual Tool Set:As a manual tool set, it offers a hands-on approach to repair, providing a sense of control and precision during the repair process.
U, Y, Triangle & X Shapes:The set includes screwdrivers in U, Y, triangle, and X shapes, catering to a variety of repair needs and providing versatility in use.
Three-Sided Design:The three-sided design of the screwdrivers allows for easy and secure grips, ensuring accurate and effective operation.
Robust Construction:Built with robust construction, these screwdrivers are designed to withstand heavy use and last for years, offering excellent value for money.
Ideal for Repair:These screwdrivers are ideal for repair work, making them an essential tool set for any home or professional repair kit.