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Traditional Japanese Design:This mask features a traditional Japanese design, with intricate details of cherry blossoms and kawaii cats. Perfect for those wanting to add a touch of East Asian charm to their Halloween look.
Versatile Colors:Available in a variety of colors including white, gold, and black. These versatile colors can be paired with any outfit, making this mask a versatile addition to your Halloween costume collection.
Theatrical Makeup Accessory:As a theatrical makeup accessory, this mask adds a dramatic touch to your overall look. Ideal for Halloween, cosplay, or any themed party.
Easy to Wear:The mask is designed for easy wear, with a comfortable fit that allows for breathing easily. Made from high-quality materials, it's durable and can withstand the rigors of multiple uses.
Lightweight:Despite its intricate design, the mask is lightweight, making it comfortable to wear for extended periods. This makes it perfect for parties or events where you'll be wearing it for a long time.
Compact Size:Its compact size allows for easy storage and transportation. You can easily carry it in a bag or pocket, making it a handy accessory for any Halloween or cosplay event.