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Interactive Toy:This large Yukari children's musical instrument toy is an interactive one, designed to foster parent-child interaction and enhance hand-eye coordination.
Musical Education:The toy serves as a unique musical education tool, helping children aged 4-6 to develop their musical abilities and interest.
Intellectual Development:It's not just a toy, but a tool for intellectual development, aiding in the development of cognitive skills and executive function.
Plastic Material:Made from durable plastic, this toy is designed to withstand the enthusiastic play of young children, ensuring long-lasting enjoyment.
Guitar/Bass Configuration:The toy comes in a guitar/bass configuration, offering a fun and engaging way for children to explore different musical genres and styles.
3C Configuration:As a 3C configured toy, it's safe and suitable for children aged 14 years and below, making it a versatile choice for families with children of different ages.