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Versatile Bath Towel:This double-sided silk pumpkin seed bath towel is versatile, perfect for bathing, exfoliating, and drying off. It's a must-have for every bath routine.
Longer Design:The longer design of this bath towel ensures full coverage, providing maximum comfort and warmth during your bath time.
Gentle Exfoliation:Crafted with honey wheat, this towel offers a gentle exfoliation, helping to smooth out your skin and enhance its natural glow.
Easy to Hold:With its convenient handle, this towel is easy to hold and use, enhancing your bathing experience.
Suitable for Adults:This towel is designed specifically for adults, offering a comfortable and effective bathing solution.
Durable Material:Made from high-quality materials, this towel is durable and long-lasting, ensuring you get the most out of your purchase.