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Versatile Application:This car modification product is designed for use in various vehicles, with an applicable range of 8-10mm. It's a versatile solution for many vehicle owners.
Secure Fixation:The product features a secure fixation mechanism that ensures the ignition wires remain in place. This prevents any accidental disconnection and ensures consistent ignition.
Three-Pack Installation:The package includes three units of the ignition wire separators, providing a complete solution for your vehicle's ignition system. This makes installation easier and more efficient.
Durable Material:Made from robust materials, these ignition wire separators are designed to withstand the harsh environment of a vehicle's engine. They offer long-lasting durability and reliability.
Easy Installation:With their 7mm/8mm clip design, these ignition wire separators are easy to install. They don't require any special tools or skills, making them a convenient choice for DIY car modifications.
Enhanced Performance:By properly separating and securing the ignition wires, this product enhances the performance of your vehicle's ignition system. It helps ensure smooth and efficient engine operation.