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Solar Powered LED Light:This product features a solar-powered LED light, ensuring constant illumination even in remote areas without access to electricity. It's an ideal solution for emergency situations.
Hand-Cranked Generator:Equipped with a hand-cranked generator, this device can produce electricity on demand, making it a reliable source of power in disaster scenarios.
Alarm Function:The product comes with an alarm function, providing a warning system to alert users of impending danger, enhancing safety in critical situations.
Mobile Phone Charger:This device also serves as a mobile phone charger, providing a practical solution for charging your devices during power outages or emergency situations.
AM/FM/NOAA Specifications:With AM/FM/NOAA specifications, this radio receiver ensures clear signal transmission and reception, enhancing your communication needs in times of crisis.
Compact and Portable:Measuring 128*60*45(mm) in size, this device is compact and portable, making it easy to carry and store.