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Robust Adhesive Power:This shoe glue offers a robust adhesive power, ensuring strong bonding with various surfaces such as leather, synthetic, and natural materials.
Waterproof Feature:The waterproof feature of this shoe glue makes it ideal for outdoor use, preventing water damage and ensuring longevity of your shoes.
Fast Curing Time:With a quick curing time of 24 hours, this shoe glue provides a fast and efficient solution for shoe repairs, saving you time and effort.
Versatile Application:This shoe glue is not just for shoes, but also perfect for sports gear, leather goods, and other items requiring secure bonding.
Durable and Wear-Resistant:Designed for longevity, this shoe glue is wear-resistant, ensuring your shoes remain in good condition for longer.
User-Friendly Packaging:The 60ml packaging of this shoe glue is easy to use and carry, making it convenient for on-the-go repairs.