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Three-Piece Set:This bathing set includes a thickened exfoliating glove, a bath ball, and a long back towel, providing a comprehensive bathroom experience.
Thickened Exfoliating Glove:The glove is thickened to enhance exfoliation, effectively removing stubborn dirt and grime from your body.
Bath Ball:The bath ball is designed for targetted exfoliation, reaching areas that are hard to reach with a normal bath towel.
Long Back Towel:The long back towel is perfect for scrubbing your back, ensuring a thorough cleansing and massage.
Versatile Use:This product can be used in various bathing environments, whether it's in a shower, bathtub, or spa.
Durable Material:Made from durable materials, this bathing set is designed to last, providing you with long-term use.