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High Power Capacity:This smart dual-mode electric bike controller boasts a high power capacity of 350W-1500W, ensuring efficient and effective operation.
Versatile Voltage Options:With its versatile voltage options ranging from 36V to 800W, this controller can accommodate a wide range of electric bikes, making it a universal choice for electric cycling.
Smart Dual-Mode Design:The smart dual-mode design of this controller allows for seamless transition between manual and automatic modes, providing a flexible and customizable riding experience.
Self-Learning Feature:Equipped with a self-learning feature, this controller continuously optimizes its performance based on rider feedback, ensuring personalized and optimal performance.
Factory Stock:As a factory stock product, this controller guarantees high quality and reliability, ensuring long-lasting performance for your electric bike.
Applicable to Electric Bikes:Designed specifically for electric bikes, this controller provides optimal control and performance, enhancing your electric cycling experience.