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Age-Specific Design:This new children's tricycle is designed for children aged 0-6 months, 3-6 years, and 6-12 months, making it a versatile choice for kids of different ages.
Gender-Neutral:The bike is suitable for both boys and girls, ensuring inclusivity and making it a great choice for all kids.
Foot-Pedal System:The foot-pedal system allows children to learn how to ride a bike independently, enhancing their coordination and motor skills.
Manual Push Cart:The manual push cart feature provides an easy and safe way for parents or caregivers to propel the bike, making it ideal for small children who need a little help getting going.
Direct Manufacturer Supply:By purchasing directly from the manufacturer, you ensure the quality and authenticity of the product, providing your child with a reliable and safe ride.
Ideal for Young Children:This tricycle is perfect for young children learning how to ride a bike, offering a safe and stable ride with a comfortable seat.