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100 Meters Elastic Flat Cord:This product is a 100-meter long flat elastic cord, perfect for DIY jewelry and accessory projects. Its length ensures you have enough material for various creations.
Versatile Usage:The cord is versatile and can be used for a variety of DIY projects, including making beads, creating leather straps, and more. It's an essential tool for crafting enthusiasts.
Japanese Flat Form Line:The cord features a Japanese flat form line design, which adds a unique aesthetic appeal to your craft projects. It's not just functional but also aesthetically pleasing.
Spring Loaded:The cord is spring loaded, meaning it can easily be stretched and contracted without losing its elasticity. This makes it ideal for creating intricate designs in your craft projects.
Fashionable and Functional:With its fashionable and functional design, this cord is a must-have accessory for any crafting enthusiast. It's easy to use and perfect for both beginners and experienced crafters.