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Mini A4 Size:This children's mini A4 whiteboard is compact and portable, perfect for on-the-go use. Its small size makes it ideal for individual use or as a supplementary board in any classroom setting.
Double-Sided Magnetic:The double-sided magnetic feature of this whiteboard allows for easy attachment and removal of drawings, providing a versatile way for children to express their creativity.
Wipe-Off Surface:The wipe-off surface of this whiteboard makes cleaning up after use a breeze. No more smudges or traces left behind, ensuring a fresh start every time.
Magnetic Paint Edge:The magnetic paint edge of this whiteboard adds an extra layer of fun and creativity. Children can enjoy drawing and writing on the edge, enhancing their fine motor skills in the process.
Desktop Drawing Board:This whiteboard doubles as a desktop drawing board, offering a fun and interactive way for children to draw and paint. It's a great tool for fostering creativity and imagination.
Soft Edge Design:The soft edge design of this whiteboard makes it safe for children to use. It prevents injury and ensures a comfortable grip for young learners.