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Adjustable 4-Claw Design:The adjustable 4-claw design of this soldering iron allows for precise handling and placement of solder points, enhancing the overall quality of your solder joints.
Built-in Light Source:Equipped with a built-in light source, this soldering iron provides adequate illumination for intricate or difficult soldering tasks, ensuring visibility and safety for the user.
USB Powered:Being USB powered, this soldering iron offers versatility and convenience as it can be used with any USB-compatible device, making it a practical choice for various soldering needs.
Durable Construction:Constructed with high-quality materials, this soldering iron is durable and designed to withstand heavy use, offering long-lasting performance and value for money.
Ideal for Electronic Products:Specifically designed for the soldering of electronic products, this iron ensures efficient and effective soldering, contributing to the overall quality of your electronics.
Flexible Arm Design:The flexible arm design of this soldering iron allows for easy maneuvering and reaching into hard-to-reach areas, enhancing the overall usability of the tool.