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Versatile Size Options:Choose from 3, 4, or 5 inches to match your specific needs. These wheels are perfect for medium-sized shelves and mobile carriers.
Durable Material:Made from high-quality polypropylene, these wheels are robust and silent, ensuring long-lasting use and quiet operation.
Universal Swivel:These wheels feature a universal swivel design, allowing for easy maneuverability and smooth movement.
Heavy-Duty Design:Designed for heavy-duty use, these wheels can withstand the weight of various objects, making them ideal for kitchens, cabinets, and other storage areas.
Silent Operation:The silent design of these wheels allows for smooth and quiet operation, making them perfect for areas where noise level is important.
Versatile Use:Whether it's for a medium-sized shelf, a mobile carrier, or any other application, these wheels are versatile enough to fit your needs.