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Mini Dollhouse Accessory:This toy accessory is a mini dollhouse, perfect for adding a touch of whimsy and realism to your child's playtime. It's designed to be easy to install and remove, allowing for endless customization.
Stainless Steel Material:Crafted from stainless steel, this dollhouse accessory is durable and long-lasting. It's resistant to rust and corrosion, ensuring it will stand up to the rigors of play.
3C Configuration Category:With a 3C configuration category, this dollhouse accessory is safe for children aged 7 to 14. It's designed with their safety in mind, making it a reliable choice for parents.
Plastic Rotation Feature:The dollhouse accessory features a rotation mechanism made of plastic, allowing for easy adjustment and positioning. This adds an extra dimension to play, making it more engaging and fun.
Office Photography Props:In addition to being a toy accessory, this dollhouse also serves as a unique office photography prop. Its miniature size and detailed design make it an interesting subject for photography, adding a touch of charm to your photos.
BJD Conversion:This dollhouse accessory is also compatible with BJD dolls, making it a versatile addition to any doll collection. It can be easily converted to suit different doll sizes, enhancing its usability.