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Versatile Design:This oil tank cap wrench features a versatile design, making it suitable for various tasks. It can be used for removing fuel pumps and other maintenance tools.
Durable Material:Crafted from robust materials, this wrench ensures long-lasting durability and resistance to wear and tear, ensuring optimal performance over time.
Compact Size:With an outer size of 210*70, this wrench is compact and easy to handle, providing convenience and ease of use during various operations.
Four-Pronged Design:The four-pronged design of this wrench provides enhanced grip and control, allowing for precise movements and operation.
Easy to Use:This wrench is designed for easy use, making it a valuable addition to any toolkit or maintenance setup.
Applicable to Various Vehicles:Whether you're working on a car, truck, or other vehicle, this wrench is a versatile tool that can help with various maintenance tasks.