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Tool-Free Detachable Zipper:This product features a tool-free detachable zipper, making it convenient for users to remove and attach without the need for any tools. This design enhances the usage experience and saves time and effort.
Versatile Application:The zipper is versatile and can be used on various items such as bags, shoes, boots, clothing, and more. It's a practical solution for all your fastening needs.
Durable Metal Lock:The zipper is equipped with a durable metal lock, ensuring secure fastening and longevity. It's designed to withstand daily wear and tear, making it a reliable choice for various applications.
Pendant Design:The pendant design of the zipper adds an aesthetic appeal and also provides a grip point, enhancing its usability. It's not just functional but also stylish.
Easy Installation:The zipper is easy to install, saving you time and effort. It's user-friendly design makes it suitable for all users, regardless of their technical skills.
Durable Material:Made from durable materials, this zipper is designed to last. It can withstand regular use and still maintain its functionality and appearance.