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Energy Efficient LED Bulb:This candle bulb is an energy efficient LED, making it a perfect choice for those seeking to save on electricity bills while still enjoying adequate light.
Adjustable Brightness:The brightness of the bulb can be adjusted, allowing you to tailor the lighting to your needs and preferences.
25w40w High Power:With a power rating of 25w or 40w, this bulb provides ample light, making it ideal for use in various lighting fixtures.
E27E14 Screw Socket Power Supply:The bulb is designed to be powered by a E27E14 screw socket, ensuring a secure and reliable power supply.
Frost Textured Design:The frost textured design of the bulb helps to soften the light emitted, creating a warm and inviting ambiance.
Dimmable Feature:The bulb features a dimmable function, allowing you to control the intensity of the light according to your mood or requirement.