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Bluetooth Connectivity:The F12 Bluetooth speaker phone screen magnifier features seamless connectivity with your device, ensuring a stable and high-quality audio experience.
3D Video Support:This product boasts of 3D video support, enhancing your visual experience while using it. It's perfect for video calls, movies, or even gaming.
High-Definition Display:With its high-definition display, this screen magnifier offers crisp and clear visuals, making your screen appear larger and more vibrant.
Versatile Use:Whether you're using it as a phone screen magnifier, a Bluetooth speaker, or a video support stand, the F12 is versatile and meets all your needs.
Export Quality:As an export-quality product, the F12 guarantees durability and top-notch performance, making it a reliable choice for customers worldwide.
Compact Design:Despite its powerful features, the F12 maintains a compact design, making it easy to carry around and use wherever you need it.