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High Definition Night Vision:Experience clear visibility even in low light conditions with the YCC365 Plus's high-definition night vision feature. It's perfect for monitoring your home or office at night.
Wifi Connectivity:This camera boasts of Wifi connectivity, allowing you to access and control it remotely. It's a convenient way to keep an eye on your surroundings from anywhere.
Ultra-Clear Camera:Capture sharp, ultra-clear footage with the YCC365 Plus's superior camera quality. Every detail will be clear, ensuring you have all the information you need.
360 Degree View:With its 360-degree view, this camera provides a panoramic view of your surroundings. It's ideal for comprehensive surveillance and security.
Remote Control:The YCC365 Plus comes with a 355-degree pan tilt control, allowing you to adjust the camera's view angle to get the best view of your area.
Durable Design:Built to last, this camera has a working temperature range of -30-70. It can withstand extreme weather conditions, making it perfect for both indoor and outdoor surveillance.