Type 77/80 is the same, but the name is different.
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Stainless Steel Shell:The window sash puller features a robust stainless steel shell, ensuring durability and longevity. It's perfect for use in plastic steel doors and windows.
High Load Bearing:With a maximum load bearing of 35kg, this window sash puller can easily accommodate heavy windows and doors, making it ideal for various residential and commercial applications.
Versatile Application:Designed for use in plastic steel doors and windows, this window sash puller offers a versatile application, making it a practical choice for numerous architectural designs.
Traditional 8088 Type:The traditional 8088 type of this window sash puller ensures compatibility with existing systems, providing a seamless transition during installation.
Easy Installation:Thanks to its logo branding, this window sash puller is easy to install, saving you time and effort. It's a convenient choice for DIYers and professional installers alike.
Compact Design:Its compact design allows for easy storage and transport, making it a convenient tool for any home or business.