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Specific Application:Designed specifically for automobile repair, this refrigerant recharge kit ensures efficient operation of your car's air conditioning system.
Vacuum-Sealed Design:The vacuum-sealed design of the coolant tank prevents leaks and enhances the overall lifespan of the cooling system.
Bulk Wholesale Availability:Available for bulk wholesale, this refrigerant recharge kit is an ideal choice for auto repair shops or individual car owners looking for a cost-effective solution.
R134 Freon Gas:Includes R134 freon gas, a powerful cooling agent that effectively lowers the temperature inside your vehicle, providing optimal comfort during hot summer months.
Easy to Use:This refrigerant recharge kit is easy to use, making it a convenient tool for both professional mechanics and do-it-yourself car owners.
Versatile Repair Tool:As a versatile repair tool, it can be used not only for recharging the air conditioning system but also for various other auto repairs.