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Interactive Toy:This electric remote control classical steam train set is an interactive toy, designed to engage children aged 4-6 in hands-on brain development.
Multifunctional Features:Equipped with lighting, music, and mist functions, this toy provides a sensory immersive play experience, enhancing children's creativity and imagination.
Educational Value:The toy not only entertains but also enhances cognitive skills, making it a perfect tool for children to develop their hand-eye coordination and interpersonal communication.
Parent-Child Interaction:Designed to facilitate parent-child interaction, this toy can help strengthen bonds and promote family bonding activities.
Safe for Children:Crafted with child safety in mind, this toy does not carry any electrical current, ensuring a worry-free playtime for your little ones.
Export Quality:This product is specifically designed for export, ensuring it meets international quality standards and is safe for children to play with.