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Stainless Steel Material:Crafted from durable stainless steel, this pet bowl ensures long-lasting use and easy cleaning. It's perfect for both cats and dogs.
Double Bowl Design:The double bowl design allows for separate feeding of multiple pets, making it an ideal choice for pet owners with more than one furry friend.
Neck Protection:Designed with a slanted mouth, this bowl provides protection to your pet's neck, preventing them from developing strains while eating.
Ergonomic Shape:The ergonomic shape of the bowl makes it easy for your pets to eat from, promoting a healthy posture while feeding.
Exclusive Pet Supplies:As an exclusive pet supply, this bowl is a must-have for all pet owners, ensuring the well-being and comfort of their pets.
Popular Choice:This popular choice among pet owners speaks for its functionality and quality, making it a reliable addition to your pet's essentials.