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Multi-Functional Hub:This Switch base station screen protector type C to HDMI 3-in-1 hub expansion dock is a versatile tool that connects your gaming console to multiple devices, enhancing your gaming experience.
4K Video Conversion:Experience seamless video conversion with this product. It ensures high-definition video streaming, making your gaming sessions more immersive and enjoyable.
Compact Size:With its compact size of 10.5*10.5*2.3, this hub expansion dock is designed to save space on your gaming console, keeping it clutter-free and easy to manage.
Gaming Accessory:As an essential gaming accessory, this product enhances the functionality and ease of use of your gaming console, making it a must-have for all gamers.
Easy to Use:This hub expansion dock is easy to use. Just connect your gaming console and other devices, and enjoy seamless gaming experience.