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High WiFi Signal Amplification:The Tuya A12 WiFi signal amplifier provides enhanced WiFi signal strength, ensuring optimal internet connectivity in your 300M room.
Wireless Expansion Feature:This device serves as a wireless expansion tool, allowing you to expand your WiFi network without the hassle of wired connections.
Compact and Lightweight:Weighing only 200g and measuring 148*98*72mm, this signal amplifier is compact and lightweight, making it easy to install and manage.
Wide Frequency Range:With a frequency range of 2.4G, this signal amplifier ensures stable and reliable WiFi signal for your devices.
Fast Shipping:Our efficient logistics ensure a quick turnaround time of 1-3 days, getting your product to you as soon as possible.
Easy Installation:The Tuya A12 WiFi signal amplifier is easy to install, making it a convenient solution for enhancing your WiFi signal.