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Precision Screwdriver Set:This 152-in-1 precision screwdriver set is a versatile tool kit, perfect for super repair and maintenance tasks. It's designed to change the cone of screws, making it ideal for eyeglasses, clocks, and mobile phones.
Multi-functional Toolkit:The multi-functional design of this toolkit allows you to tackle a variety of repairs, from changing the battery in your eyeglasses to fixing your clock or phone. It's a must-have for any handyman or woman.
Specification Variety:Available in a variety of specifications, this screwdriver set caters to different user needs. Whether you prefer the classic black and grey, black and blue, black and green, black and red, or plain black, there's a set to suit your style.
Manual Screwdriver Kit:As a manual screwdriver kit, it offers a reliable and efficient solution for repairs. It's easy to use and doesn't require electricity or batteries, making it a practical choice for DIY projects.
Durable Construction:Crafted with durability in mind, this screwdriver set is designed to last. It can withstand the rigors of frequent use, ensuring it remains a valuable addition to your tool kit for years to come.