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Remote Control Functionality:This smart switch offers remote control via WiFi, allowing you to manage your home's electricity from anywhere in the world.
Intelligent Power Monitoring:The switch features intelligent power monitoring, providing real-time information about your home's energy consumption and helping you to manage your electricity bill more effectively.
Adjustable Current Setting:The switch is equipped with an adjustable current setting, allowing you to customize the amount of power delivered to your devices based on your needs.
Advanced Alert Features:It comes with advanced alert features, such as overvoltage, overcurrent, and undervoltage alerts, ensuring your home's electrical system is running safely and efficiently.
Wide Operating Temperature Range:With a wide operating temperature range of -20~60 ℃, this switch is designed to function in a variety of environmental conditions, ensuring reliable performance in any season.
Applicable to Smart Homes:This remote control switch is ideal for smart homes, offering a convenient and efficient way to manage your home's electricity.