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Versatile Power Output:This diesel generator offers a wide range of power output options from 3KW to 200, catering to various power needs and applications.
Multiple Phase Options:With its ability to operate on single or three-phase power, this generator provides flexibility in installation and usage.
High Efficiency:Designed for high efficiency, this generator ensures optimal performance and longevity, making it an ideal choice for power generation needs.
Wide Voltage Compatibility:Operating on a voltage range of 220V to 240V, this generator is compatible with a variety of electrical devices and systems.
Reliable Equipment Type:As a generator set, it falls under the reliable and durable generator equipment type, ensuring long-term service and performance.
Various Size Options:Available in different sizes (3, 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 24kw), this generator can accommodate various power demands and space constraints.