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Interactive Cat Toy:This pet cat toy is designed to mimic the sound of a bird, providing entertainment and interaction for your feline friend. It's a great way to keep your cat engaged and active.
Automatic Fun:The toy features an automatic mode, ensuring that your cat always has something interesting to play with. It's a hands-free solution for keeping your pet entertained.
Plush Material:Made from soft plush material, this toy is comfortable for your cat to play with. It's also durable and designed to withstand playtime wear and tear.
Compact Size:With dimensions of 25.5*16*4cm, this toy is compact and easy to hang. It can be attached to any secure location, allowing your cat to play freely.
Easy to Use:This toy is easy to use - simply power it on and let your cat do the rest. It's a hassle-free solution for keeping your pet entertained.
Ideal for Cat Owners:Whether you're out for a quick coffee break or need to leave the house for a while, this toy is an ideal solution for keeping your cat entertained and happy.