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UV Printing Technology:This product utilizes UV printing technology, ensuring high-quality and durable prints that are long-lasting and visually appealing.
Versatile Application:Ideal for cultural and office supplies, this product offers a wide range of applications, making it a versatile addition to any environment.
Privacy Signal:Designed with a privacy signal, this product respects the privacy of individuals, providing a polite and considerate way to signal when privacy is needed.
5-inch Size:With its 5-inch size, this product is compact and unobtrusive, making it easy to place in any room or office without being obstructive.
Meeting and Office Use:Perfect for meetings and offices, this product serves as an effective way to indicate when a meeting is in progress, ensuring privacy and focus.
Durable Material:Made from durable materials, this product is designed to withstand the rigors of daily use, ensuring longevity and reliability.