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High-Speed Transmission:Experience seamless data transfer with this Type-C expansion dock, boasting a high-speed transmission rate of 5Gbps. Ideal for powering your notebook computer or USB devices.
Versatile USB Connector:Equipped with a versatile USB 3.0 connector, this expansion dock allows for easy plug-and-play functionality with your existing USB devices.
Side Plug Design:The side plug design of this expansion dock makes it convenient for use with various devices, including notebook computers and USB hubs.
Compact and Portable:Its compact and portable design makes it easy to carry around, perfect for on-the-go use or for those who are constantly on the move.
Durable Construction:Built with durability in mind, this expansion dock ensures long-lasting performance and reliability, making it a worthwhile investment for your digital needs.
No External Power Required:This expansion dock does not require external power, adding to its convenience and ease of use.