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32oz Capacity:This fermentation glass canister offers a generous 32oz capacity, perfect for baking large batches of bread or other fermented foods.
Temperature Monitoring:Equipped with a temperature monitor, this product ensures consistent heat levels during the fermentation process, enhancing the quality and taste of your baked goods.
Sealed Design:The sealed design of this fermentation canister keeps your dough safe and protected from external temperatures, ensuring optimal fermentation every time.
Versatile Use:Ideal for baking bread, this fermentation canister can also be used for other types of fermentation, making it a versatile addition to your kitchen.
Durable Material:Made from high-quality glass, this fermentation canister is durable and designed to withstand repeated use, offering long-lasting reliability.
Easy to Clean:The smooth glass surface of this fermentation canister makes it easy to clean, ensuring hygiene and longevity of the product.