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App Controlled:This unique egg-shaped vibrator is controlled via a dedicated app, offering you complete control and convenience for your pleasure.
Long-Range Control:Designed with wireless control, this vibrator can be operated from anywhere in the world, making it perfect for long-distance relationships or intimacy while on the go.
Silent Operation:With a maximum noise level of only 40 decibels, this vibrator is remarkably quiet, ensuring discrete operation and allowing you to enjoy your pleasure in peace.
Rechargeable Design:This vibrator features a rechargeable design, ensuring you always have power when you need it and reducing the need for constant battery replacements.
Portable Wearable:Designed for portability and wearability, this vibrator can be easily carried and worn discreetly, making it ideal for on-the-go use.
Heating Function:The vibrator also includes a heating function, adding an extra dimension to your pleasure and enhancing your experience.