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Interactive Toy:This TikTok-popular toy is an interactive tool that enhances children's interaction with parents, promoting social skills and fun.
Stress Relief:Designed as a stress relief toy, it helps children channel their stress into a playful activity, making it an excellent tool for relaxation and stress management.
Cognitive Skills Development:The toy requires cognitive skills such as hand-eye coordination and problem-solving, making it a great tool for children's cognitive skills development.
Detachable Design:Its detachable design allows for easy cleaning and maintenance, making it a convenient addition to any child's toy collection.
Age Appropriate:Specifically designed for children aged 3 to 6, this toy is age-appropriate, ensuring children can safely and enjoyably play with it.
Fun and Engaging:With its engaging design and sound-making feature, this toy is not only fun but also keeps children engaged, enhancing their playtime experience.