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Self-Sealing Bag Design:The product features a self-sealing bag design, ensuring the safety and longevity of your items. It's perfect for storing seeds, badges, and lottery tickets.
High Transparency Material:Made from high-transparency material, this storage bag allows you to easily view the contents without having to open it. This feature saves you time and effort.
20-Mesh Structure:The 20-mesh structure of the storage bag provides excellent protection against wear and tear, keeping your items in pristine condition for longer.
Versatile Usage:Whether you're storing seeds, badges, lottery tickets, or other small items, this storage bag is versatile enough to accommodate all your needs.
Compact and Portable:Its compact and portable design makes it easy to carry around, perfect for on-the-go use. You can carry your important items with you wherever you go.
Durable Protection Film:The storage bag comes with a durable protection film, providing an extra layer of protection against dust and moisture, ensuring the longevity of your items.