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Multi-Functional Fitness Tracker:This smart ring is a versatile fitness tracker, capable of monitoring heart rate, blood oxygen, blood pressure, sleep quality, step count, and deepness. It's your all-in-one solution for health and fitness monitoring.
Waterproof Design:Designed with a waterproof feature, this smart ring is perfect for swimmers and those who love outdoor activities. No need to take it off during workouts or in the pool.
Compatible with Multiple Devices:The Smart Ring SR01/02 is compatible with Android 5.0 and above versions as well as Apple iOS 10.0 and above versions. It syncs seamlessly with your device, providing real-time health data at your fingertips.
Battery with Long Life:With a battery capacity of 18 mah, this smart ring ensures long-lasting usage. You don't have to worry about running out of power during your daily activities.
Comfortable Wearability:The smart ring is designed to be worn on any finger, providing a comfortable fit for all. It's lightweight and sleek, making it a stylish accessory while serving a practical purpose.
Magnetic Charging:The Smart Ring comes with a magnetic charging line and a detailed guide. The ring charges quickly and efficiently, ensuring you always have it ready to use.