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Wholesale Hotel Restaurant Commercial Giant Spicy Pepper Segment Devil Pepper Pepper Spicy Indian Devil Pepper Spicy
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CNY ¥ 55.9 ≈ $ 7.7
Real-time USD to CNY exchange rate:7.2452
International shipping not included
Packaging specifications:
Extra spicy chili section (with seeds) - 2.5kg Extra spicy chili section (with seeds) - 5kg Extra spicy chili section (seedless) - 2.5kg Extra spicy chili section (seedless) - 5kg Medium spicy chili section (seed)- 2.5kg Medium spicy chili section (seed)- 5kg Medium spicy chili section (seedless)- 2.5kg Medium spicy chili section (seedless)- 5kg Slightly spicy chili pepper section (seed)- 2.5kg Slightly spicy chili pepper section (seed)- 5kg Slightly spicy chili section (seedless) - 2.5kg Slightly spicy chili section (seedless) - 5kg Spicy s17 devil spicy chili section (with seeds) - 2.5kg Spicy s17 devil spicy chili section (with seeds) - 5kg Spicy s17 devil spicy chili section (seedless)- 2.5kg Spicy s17 devil spicy chili section (seedless)- 5kg Slightly spicy chili noodles (fine powder)- 2.5kg Slightly spicy chili noodles (fine powder)- 5kg Medium spicy chili noodles (fine powder) - 2.5kg Medium spicy chili noodles (fine powder) - 5kg Extra spicy chili noodles (fine powder) - 2.5kg Extra spicy chili noodles (fine powder) - 5kg Slightly spicy chili noodles (coarse powder) - 2.5kg Slightly spicy chili noodles (coarse powder) - 5kg Medium spicy chili noodles (coarse powder) - 2.5kg Medium spicy chili noodles (coarse powder) - 5kg Extra spicy chili noodles (coarse powder) - 2.5kg Extra spicy chili noodles (coarse powder) - 5kg Devil spicy (whole chili) - 2.5kg Devil spicy (whole chili) - 5kg Slightly spicy (whole chili) - 2.5kg Slightly spicy (whole chili) - 5kg
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