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iPhone7/7P Original Screen Touch Failure Solution
Effective solutions for different screen versions mixed
September 19th,2018
If the screen of your iPhone 7 or iPhone 7P has touch problems and it has never been replaced before, please check

the screen and the mother boarder to see if either performs well.

If you have replaced the screen of iPhone 7 or iPhone 7P and the phone has such problems of screen jumping 
or intermittent or permanent touch failure after a period of usage, please lock and then unlock the screen for a 
few times to see if the screen works as normal. If not, it might be because of the incompatibility between the 
replaced screen and the phone, which mainly occurs when replacing the LG screen with a Toshiba one. However, 
the Sharp screen is compatible with the Toshiba screen.

Due to the different suppliers of the screens, not all the screens of iPhone 7 and iPhone 7P are the same. There 

are numbers on the backlight panel, from which you can distinguish the different suppliers of the screen. To see 
the numbers, please remove the screen and back plate, and find it under the LCD flex cable. With the unique 
number, you can know the screen supplier for each phone. Different suppliers are coded with specific numbers: 

Toshiba: Starts with C11 and F7C
LG: Starts with DTP and C3F
Sharp: Starts with DKH and C0N

The majority of screens on the market is provided by Toshiba and LG. So we are introducing the solutions to these 
two kinds of screens.

(1) Everything will be fine is you’ve replaced a Toshiba original screen with a same branded screen of fine quality.

(2) If you’ve replaced a Toshiba original screen with a LG screen, it might sometimes have the problem of touch 
failure. Mostly the problem lie to the screen quality and probably. However, there is a small chance, with a possibility 
of around 5%, that of the compatibility.

(1) Everything will be fine is you’ve replaced a LG original screen with a same branded screen of fine quality.

(2) If you’ve replaced a LG original screen with a Toshiba screen, it might be very likely to have the problem of touch 
failure, which lies to the compatibility instead of the screen quality.

There are encrypted chips on the screen of iPhone 7, iPhone 8 and iPhone X, among which the light sensors of 

iPhone 8 and iPhone X have been encrypted, causing the detection failure of the light sensor, resulted from the 
replacement of the screen. As a consequence, the screen is unable to automatically adjust the brightness. While 
the encrypted light sensor of iPhone 7 might lead to touch failure once the screen has been replaced. 

It is suggestive to use the photosensitive repair tool to deal with the problem of touch failure. The repair tool can 
read and copy the photosensitive data before rewriting it into a new screen. Alternatively, replace with a new screen.

The pedestal mounts of iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 are the same. The repair tool for iPhone 8 can be used for iPhone 7. 
It is easy and simple to rewrite the photosensitive data. Just copy the photosensitive data from the iPhone 7 screen 
and rewrite it into a new screen. Then install the phone. And that’s it! 

Photosensitive Repair Tool
Item Code: A10603

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